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We're performing system maintenance on Saturday 11 January from 7pm to Sunday 12 January at 6pm (AEST). Certain online services may be unavailable during this time. Thanks for your ongoing patience.

About you

Please enter your "First name" and "Last name" as it appears on either your Drivers License, Medicare card or Australian Passport - no middle name.

What's your first and last name?


    About you

    We recognise that individuals may identify and be recognised within the community as a gender other than the sex they were assigned at birth. For the purpose of this application, sex refers to the way you're legally recognised at the time of completing the application.

    What's your sex?

      What is your date of birth?


          About you

          What is your address?


            About you

            By selecting Next I agree to Privacy Information Declaration and understand Australian Retirement Trust may send me follow up emails.

            Fill in your contact details

              Also providing a mobile number will ensure we can reach you if we need to


                About you

                If you don't provide your Tax File Number (TFN), you will pay more tax on contributions and any benefits paid, and you will not be able to make some types of contributions.

                Don't worry if you can't find it now, you can always add it later.

                What's your Tax File Number (TFN)?


                  Providing your TFN

                  Find my other super

                  Do you have another super account you'd like to consider combining into your Australian Retirement Trust account? We can find it for you using your TFN.

                  By selecting Yes, find my other super, you consent to Australian Retirement Trust using the Australian Tax Office (ATO) SuperMatch service to use your TFN to search for other super you may have. This super may be with other super funds or held by the ATO.

                  If we find money with the ATO, you also consent to Australian Retirement Trust requesting the ATO transfer these amounts into your Australian Retirement Trust account where possible. If we find money with other super funds, you’ll have the choice of whether you transfer those amounts or not.

                  To help keep track of your super, you also consent to Australian Retirement Trust conducting an ongoing annual search on your behalf. If at any time you wish to revoke your consent, please contact Australian Retirement Trust on 13 11 84.

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                  What's your Tax File Number (TFN)?


                    Providing your TFN

                    Let’s take a moment to consider your investments

                    Most of our members have their super in our default investment option - The Lifecycle Investment Strategy. If you’d like more control over your investments, Australian Retirement Trust offers a wide range of investment options to suit your risk profile and retirement goals.

                    Lifecycle Investment Strategy

                    The Lifecycle Investment Strategy is designed for members who want to generate wealth over the long-term, and gradually transition to lower-risk investments as they approach age 65.

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                    If you change your mind or circumstances, you can also change your investment strategy. 

                    You can learn more about our investment options in the Super Savings Investment Guide. For information on our fees and other costs, read the Super Savings Accumulation Guide. It’s important to understand their impact on your investment.

                    Choose your investment option(s)

                    Select one of the diversified options below or choose from our full range of investment options.

                    Each of these options has an allocation to growth assets. These are assets that have the potential to deliver stronger medium - to long-term returns. The trade-off is that they carry a higher risk of short-term losses. Shares are an example of a growth asset.

                    High Growth

                    A diversified portfolio with around 85% growth assets, with less risk than investing only in shares.


                    A diversified portfolio with around 70% growth assets.


                    A diversified portfolio with around 50% growth assets.


                    A diversified portfolio with around 30% growth assets.

                    Balanced Risk-Adjusted

                    A diversified portfolio with over 60% growth assets where the risk is adjusted by holding fewer shares and more bonds.

                    Socially Conscious Balanced

                    A diversified portfolio with around 70% growth assets, investing according to an extended set of environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles.

                    High Growth Index

                    A diversified portfolio of listed assets with 90% growth assets. It invests in listed asset classes that follow market indices and so will generally have lower fees than some of the actively managed diversified options.

                    Balanced Index

                    A diversified portfolio of listed assets with 75% growth assets. It invests in listed asset classes that follow market indices and so will generally have lower fees than some of the actively managed diversified options.

                    Full range of options

                    You can also choose an investment strategy that suits your risk profile and retirement goals. Refer to the Super Savings Investment Guide for the details on each option.


                    How would you like to invest?

                    The investment choice you make for your super can make a big difference to how much money you have in retirement.

                    Mix and match

                    In addition to our default Lifecycle Investment Strategy, we offer diversified and asset class options. Some are actively managed by us and some follow the returns of a market index, which means they cost less.


                      Let’s set up your insurance

                      Insurance in Super Savings can help protect you and your family, in the event something were to happen to you. Premiums are deducted from your super account, so there’s no impact on your take-home pay.
                      Before making a choice about insurance , you should consider the impact these premiums will have on the money you have in retirement.

                      It is important that you are aware of your Duty to take reasonable care in relation to your insurance cover. Please ensure you read the full

                      Duty to take reasonable care

                      Set up your insurance?

                      Standard Death and Total & Permanent Disability cover

                      Standard cover will automatically start when you meet all of the eligibility criteria including (but not limited to) turning 25 and reaching an account balance of $6,000.

                      Start cover now

                      You can start your cover now. Your insurance will start when we receive an SG contribution from your employer.

                      Start when eligible

                      You can start your cover when you meet all of the eligibility requirements including when you turn 25 and your account balance reaches $6,000.

                      What’s your employment status?

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                      1Permanently employed includes contractors on employment contracts of 6 months or longer and self-employed persons receiving Superannuation Guarantee contributions.

                      2A person who operates a business or profession as a sole proprietor, partner in a partnership or independent contractor and reports income earned from self-employment.

                      3Contractors employed on a contract of less than 6 months are required to select "Not employed".


                      Let’s set up your insurance

                      When did you start working for your current employer?

                      Don't worry if you don't know the date, you can always add it later.


                        Let’s set up your insurance

                        How many hours do you work each week?

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                        Let’s set up your insurance

                        What’s your occupation?

                            Sorry, we can’t find your occupation. Are you eligible for White Collar cover?

                            Based on your occupation, you may be eligible for White Collar cover.  Please confirm your eligibility based on the criteria listed on this page.

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                            Let’s set up your insurance

                            Thanks for that, you're almost there. Based on the information provided, below is an estimate of your Death and Total & Permanent Disability Assist cover amounts and premiums, which is based on your age and gender.

                            Standard cover
                            Death cover
                            Total & Permanent Disability Assist cover
                            Weekly premium


                            Protect your income

                            Opt-In Income Protection cover can provide you with a monthly income if you can't work due to sickness or injury.  Premiums are based on your age, gender, occupation and amount of cover.

                            Do you want Income Protection cover?

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                            What is your annual income?



                              Important details about Income Protection cover

                              Would you like to nominate a beneficiary?

                              Your beneficiary is the person you wish to receive your super when you die.  You can nominate one or more beneficiaries.

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                              Nominate your preferred beneficiary

                              Full name Relationship Portion of benefit %

                                Add another beneficiary


                                You can nominate up to eight preferred beneficiaries.

                                Do you want to make a binding nomination?

                                Your preferred beneficiary nomination

                                Full name Relationship Portion of benefit % 

                                If you want to make these nominations binding, we'll provide the binding nomination form at the end of this application.

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                                Review your details

                                Please check your details are correct before submitting your application. To save or print your application: press Ctrl + P (on PC) or ⌘ Command + P (on Mac). On mobile, you'll find the print option under your share options.

                                    Let's set-up your online access

                                    With online access you can access your account and the Australian Retirement Trust mobile app.

                                    Check your email.

                                    We've sent a 6-digit verification code to your email:

                                    Resend verification code

                                    Your digital membership card

                                    Your digital membership card contains your member number which you'll need for online access. It also has the information you'll need to stay with Australian Retirement Trust if you decide to change jobs.

                                    Membership Card

                                    Member Name
                                    Membership Number
                                    Fund Name
                                    Australian Retirement Trust
                                    60 905 115 063
                                    USI (replaces SPIN)
                                    60 905 115 063 003
                                     13 11 84

                                    Here’s your welcome pack!

                                    Download the Binding death benefit nomination form
                                    Use this form to make a binding death benefit nomination.

                                    Download the Selecting Australian Retirement Trust form
                                    Use this form to ask your employer to contribute to Australian Retirement Trust.

                                    Download the Tailored insurance cover form
                                    If you're not eligible for automatic insurance, or you need more than what's provided, you can apply for Tailored cover.

                                    Manage your account online

                                    Existing Australian Retirement Trust member

                                    From the details you provided it seems that you already are an Australian Retirement Trust member. Perhaps you joined us in the past or recently changed jobs and your new employer already registered you.

                                    You have a few options:

                                    If you know your login details you can login to Member Online.

                                    If you don't know your login details or have not registered for online access try Forgot login details.

                                    Or to confirm your membership details and get online access contact us.

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                                    General advice

                                    The information provided on this website is general advice only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Before deciding whether to acquire any financial product offered by Australian Retirement Trust, you should read and consider the Super Savings Product Disclosure Statement for Accumulation Account and appropriateness of the product to your objectives, financial situation and needs. The information provided does not constitute financial, taxation or other professional advice and you should not rely on this information as a substitute for professional advice.

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