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Key documents


Important things you should know about Australian Retirement Trust and the content on this website.

Cookie policy

Our cookie policy provides additional information on how we use cookies to provide a more meaningful online experience.

Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs) and guides

A summary of the important information you need about Australian Retirement Trust products.

Target Market Determinations (TMDs)

Information and copies of our latest TMDs for Australian Retirement Trust's Super Savings and QSuper products.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy aims to provide you with the information you need to understand how the entities of Australian Retirement Trust deal with your personal information.

Governance and reporting

Everything you need to know about our governance and reporting (including Corporate Governance and Prescribed information).

Illustration of a woman on device

Other useful information

Man at desk on a call

Financial Services Guides (FSGs)

FSGs are designed to assist you in deciding whether to use any of the financial services offered by Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd, Sunsuper Financial Services Pty Ltd, and Precision Administration Services Pty Ltd. They will provide you with an understanding of what to expect from your interactions with Australian Retirement Trust.

View our Financial Services Guides

Gender equality

Promoting gender equality is an important part of our culture of inclusion and belonging at Australian Retirement Trust, which used to be Sunsuper and QSuper. Read our report to WGEA and our Employer Statement about our gender equality approach, programs and practices:

  • The gender distribution of our workforce
  • The flexibility and support we offer for parents and carers
  • Other actions we take to promote gender equality.

ART gender equality report 2024

ART gender pay gap employer statement 2023

Woman holding laptop