When you have low super fees and costs on your super account, it could mean more money to spend in retirement.
less super at age 67
Based on a typical full-time worker. Figures from the Productivity Commission.
Our fees and costsOur admin fee is $1.20 per week + 0.10% p.a. Other admin fees may apply but they aren't charged to your account.
We only charge the admin fee of 0.10% p.a. on the first $500,000 of your account balance.
We don't pay shareholders. Our profits go straight back to members as better value products and services.
ART invests and looks after your super until you can access it. And the fees you pay help us do this. To understand what you're paying for, here's a breakdown of each type of fee:
These help cover general running costs like regulatory registrations, compliance, tech, marketing, and people. We usually show them as a fixed dollar amount plus a percentage. When the admin costs are more than you pay in admin fees, we cover these costs from our general reserve (not from your account balance or investment returns). We estimated this amount as 0.07% for the year ending 30 June 2024.
These cover our costs to invest your super so your money grows over time (e.g. investment expert advice and performances fees). These also include other costs that aren't already covered by admin or insurance fees.
These are the costs for buying and selling assets in your super fund, which aren't covered by other investment fees. We don't charge buy-sell spreads or switching fees.
This is the total amount you pay per year (e.g. admin fees and costs + investment fees and costs + transaction costs = cost of product).
How do you know if you're with a low fee super fund? Use our fees calculator to get an idea of the fees and costs you'll pay from your ART account over a financial year.
Blair is 28 years old and has all of their super in the ART Super Savings High Growth Pool investment option. Their current super balance is $50,000.
For the purpose of this example, let's assume the balance stays the same over the financial year. Blair also doesn't have any insurance on their super account, so there's no insurance premiums or advice fees to pay (these would be separate costs).
Want to see a breakdown on Blair's fees and costs?
The right super fund for you will depend on your current situation and your retirement goals. Low fees are important to think about when picking a super fund. But investment performance also matters.
This is where a combo of lower fees and strong performance works well. Together, they give you the boost you need for a better financial future.
Imagine this... You're with a low cost super fund but your investments are underperforming year after year. It's not great for your balance.
In fact, you could end up with less super than if you were with a fund that had slightly higher fees but much better long-term performance.
We've outperformed the industry median for our High Growth option over 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 years.1
Your investment options have a goal for the level of returns, which shows you how much money you might earn from the option. Each option has different fees and costs.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Read the details in our Product Disclosure Statement and Guides.
Our performance9.58% p.a.
As at 31 December 2024
Your membership gives you access to so much value. Make sure you're:
checking the member discounts on offer
watching our member webinars
getting the financial advice you need.3
Learn more about the benefits of membership when you're with ART super.
It's easy to compare our fees, performance and benefits against other super funds.
How to compare fundsLook forward to a better future with a super fund that offers great value. What are you waiting for?
1. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Source: SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SR50 - Growth (77-90) Index and Growth (77-90) category, 31 December 2024.
Returns are after investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes, but before administration fees.
The High Growth option has identical investments to the High Growth Pool in the Lifecycle Investment Strategy. Individual returns may vary.
The High Growth option commenced on 28 February 2022 and adopted the investment strategy of the pre-merger Sunsuper Growth option. To show the returns for the High Growth option, we have used returns for the Sunsuper option up to this date.
2. The estimate is based on the fees and costs disclosed in our current Product Disclosure Statements. The actual fees and costs you will pay may differ from the Product Disclosure Statement and will be different from year to year. Investment fees and costs and transactions costs vary depending on the investment option/s you hold and are generally calculated on costs incurred in the previous financial year. Where actual costs are not available at the time a Product Disclosure Statement is prepared, reasonable estimates of actual costs are used. Performance fees are included in the investment fees and costs; they are difficult to predict because they are based on future investment performance. For this estimate, we have used performance fees that are an average for the previous five financial years which is the same calculation methodology used for our Product Disclosure Statements.
3. Any advice given is by representatives of Sunsuper Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 50 087 154 818, AFSL 227867), wholly owned by the Trustee of Australian Retirement Trust (ART). As representatives, they may recommend ART products from time to time. So read the relevant Financial Service Guide for more information about the advice and how they’re paid.