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Super Savings Investments

We offer actively managed and index investments. We also offer a MySuper investment option (Lifecycle Investment Strategy) that is exclusive to our Super Savings Accumulation accounts.

Additional resources and information

Download the Super Savings Investment Guide

Check investment reports

Review research, ratings and awards

View market watch (Australian Retirement Trust Chief Economist Brian Parker explains what's happening around the world and at home, where markets are heading and what it all means).


Unit prices

Estimated investment fees and costs

Estimated investment fees and costs and transaction costs are our best estimates based on recent experience and our current long-term expectations. It’s important to note that actual investment fees and costs and transaction costs can vary each financial year.

You can see our investment fees and costs on our fees page.

Index (passively managed) options:

  • Diversified and asset class index investments are able to be mixed to suit any life stage.
  • The index investments are lower in cost than actively managed investments.

Unlisted assets

Actively managed long term investment with a diversified portfolio of mostly unlisted assets (like private equity, infrastructure and property).

High Growth, Balanced, Conservative-Balanced, Conservative and Balanced Risk-Adjusted

  • Have exposure to unlisted assets that help reduce market volatility experienced by the traditional asset classes of shares, property, fixed income, and cash.
  • Active investment options that have multiple underlying investment managers; providing diversification across investment managers and reducing the risk of exposure to any one investment manager or style.

Lifecycle Investment Strategy (not available for Super Savings Retirement Income accounts)

  • Designed to generate wealth over the long term, and will gradually transition to lower-risk investments as the account holder approaches age 65.
  • Has exposure to unlisted assets that help reduce market volatility experienced by the traditional asset classes of shares, property, fixed income, and cash.

Socially Conscious Balanced:

  • This investment option is designed for members who want to ensure that their investments are made in line with an extended set of environmental, social and governance principles than those considered across our other available investment options.
  • This option employs multiple responsible investment approaches, including screening for shares (exclusions), ESG integration, sustainability-themed investing, and stewardship. Further details, including a table summarising the exclusions applied to the option’s Australian and international shares asset classes, and exceptions to these exclusions, are set out in the PDS that applies to you.
  • Responsible Investment Certified Product by the Responsible Investments Association Australasia (RIAA).

The actual investment fees for the financial year completed will be published in the Annual report, available here in the second half of the year. Our Super Savings Accumulation Guide provides information on the investment fees and costs of all our investment options including information on the nature of performance-related fees.

For performance fees, see our full investment fees and costs.