Last updated: 3 February 2025
We’ve updated our processes, and we no longer require a bank statement for transactions which previously required it.
This includes Income account requests, and withdrawal requests for Income, Accumulation and Transition to Retirement accounts.
Your session has timed out. Close your browser session and log in again to initiate a new user session. Any work in progress will be saved up to the previous 'Save & Next' button.
There may be mandatory fields on the screen that need completing. Scroll back up the screen and you should see those fields highlighted in red with a suitable message.
If you experience this issue, please give us a call on 13 11 84 for further assistance.
If you are unable to access the portal, please give us a call on 13 11 84.
No, it doesn't.
No, you will not receive an email; however, the signed forms/audit trail can be accessed and downloaded via Adviser Online ‘Manage Transactions’.
Once your client has signed using DocuSign in Adviser Online, then you can access and download these forms via Adviser Online ‘Manage Transactions’ at any time.
Your client has 7 days to sign the forms. They can access these forms as many times as they like within this period. If they don’t manage to sign within this timeframe, you can call us on 13 11 84 and we can roll the forms back for you so that you can resend them to your client for actioning.
Your client will receive a confirmation email once they have completed the DocuSign process. You can view the status of outstanding or submitted digital approval requests via ‘Manage Transactions’ in Adviser Online.
Your client cannot edit forms after they have already been sent via DocuSign in Adviser Online. They can sign them, or decline them, or let them expire. If your client declines via DocuSign, or if the forms expire before they sign them, give us a call on 13 11 84 and we can roll the digital forms back to your Adviser Online so that you can edit and resend them to your client.
If we don’t hold your client's email or mobile number on file, then you can enter the details for the purpose of DocuSign via Adviser Online. DocuSign via Adviser Online will otherwise let you use the email and mobile number we hold on file.
Yes. If you are using your own digital signature vendor, you will need to ensure that the electronically signed form displays a positive verification banner (i.e. an unbroken anti-tamper seal). Please note that certain changes, like merging other documents with the electronically signed form, impact the seal and this may result in us being unable to process your request.
For the following forms, please merge the audit trail with the identification document:
For all other forms please submit using the ‘Other Non-Digital Form’ option. This will allow you to upload the audit trail as a supporting document. NOTE: If you submit an ‘Other Non-Digital Form’ then you will have to wait for us to process it before submitting a second one.
We will send you an email to let you know once all of the forms included in your submission have been successfully completed. You can still track the progress of individual submitted forms via the 'Submitted' tab under 'Manage Transactions' in Adviser Online.
We will send you an email to let you know if there is an issue with any of the forms included in your submission.
If a form shows 'Something went wrong' status, you should have received a separate communication from us that details exactly what went wrong. If you need assistance, please call us on 13 11 84.
Advice fee forms that show 'Completed' may not have been fully cleared/processed at the time you receive this communication email. You’ll receive a separate email to confirm when your advice fee request has been processed successfully.
Our automatic emails will be sent to the adviser username email on file. For administration purposes, you can set up an 'auto-forward' for emails from to an admin inbox of your choosing.
Yes, you can submit one form at a time; however, you are not able to submit the next form until after the previous form has been processed. You can check on the processing progress of all forms via ‘Manage Transactions’.
ART is working towards allowing you the ability to manually override and submit another form whilst a previous form is still ‘in-flight’ and not processed.
If you generated the forms using 'Pending Member', you will need to input the Request ID available on the Membership application that you used to generate the forms. Once you have entered the Request ID, the forms you previously generated should be visible.
When using ‘Submit Forms’, please ensure you have selected ‘Pending Member’ and check that you are not trying to input a member number instead of the Request ID available on the Membership application.
If you want to edit the forms, you can go back into the form via 'Manage Transactions'. If you don’t want to edit the forms before resubmitting, then you’re able to resubmit them by navigating straight to ‘Submit Forms’.
Yes. You can call us on 13 11 84 and request we roll back any forms that have not started to be processed. These forms will then be accessible via Adviser Online, where you can edit the forms and resubmit.