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Retirement planner and calculator


FAQs about retirement planning

Want to know more? Check out these frequently asked questions.

It depends on the lifestyle you want once you stop working. Do you want to maintain the same standard of living you have now, or will your costs be going up or down? As a guide, check out these general estimates plus tips on planning for the retirement you want.

If your goal is to have a comfortable retirement, you can see how much super you should have at your age, and what the average super balance in Australia is.

If your balance is falling short, there are ways to help it grow. Even a little bit extra can make a big difference over time.

Some ways to boost your super include:

  • Finding lost super and combining it into one account
  • Consider adding extra to your super either before or after-tax
  • Getting a top-up from your spouse
  • Looking into the government co-contribution.

Keep in mind there are limits on how much you can add to your super.

You can also use our superannuation contributions calculator to see how extra payments to your super could make a difference.

Before you consolidate

Think about whether it’s right for you. You will lose access to benefits such as insurance or pension options, and you need to consider tax implications.

Help make your super last

Financial advice could help make your super last in retirement. Learn about our different advice options, so you can make confident decisions for a more secure future.