Employer Online terms and conditions
The terms and conditions that apply to Australian Retirement Trust Employer Online and the use of it to submit superannuation contribution data and payments.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using Employer Online. When logging on to Employer Online for the first time, you will be prompted to accept these terms and conditions by clicking on the “I agree” box on the screen that appears on your first login to Employer Online. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, you will be unable to use Employer Online. If you are not sure about any of the information contained in these terms and conditions please contact our Customer Service Centre on 13 11 84. We will be happy to explain any matter to you.
1. Terms and conditions for use
These terms and conditions only apply to Employer Online and your use of Employer Online to:
- submit superannuation contribution data and make superannuation contributions to Australian Retirement Trust;
- help on-board new employees or contractors when they start work via Super Fund Onboarding; and
- access the Australian Retirement Trust Clearing House to submit contributions data and make superannuation contributions to any superannuation fund (additional terms and conditions also apply).
These terms and conditions apply in addition to any other terms and conditions that apply to your arrangements with us, including the general terms and conditions that relate to the use of the Australian Retirement Trust internet site.
2. Accepting these terms and conditions
You accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions by clicking on the “I agree” box on the screen that appears on your first login to Employer Online.
3. Meaning of terms
In these terms and conditions:
- “Account” means the Employer Online account established in your name;
"Australian Retirement Trust" means the Australian Retirement Trust superannuation fund (ABN 60 905 115 063); - "Australian Retirement Trust internet site" or "internet site" refers to our web site (https://www.australianretirementtrust.com.au);
- "Employer Online" means the online facility provided by us under which you may:
- submit superannuation contribution data and make superannuation contributions for your employees;
- help on-board new employees and contractors when they start work with you; and
- access the Australian Retirement Trust Clearing House (additional terms and conditions also apply);
- "Password" means a confidential string of characters which when used with your Username gives you access to Employer Online;
- "SGAA" means Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 Cth;
- “Standard” refers to the SuperStream Data and Payment Standards 2012;
- "Super Fund Onboarding" means the service described in clause 8 of these terms and conditions.
“Trust Deed” means the trust deed (as amended from time to time), which established Australian Retirement Trust; - “Username” means a confidential alphanumerical string of characters given to you by us, which must be entered to identify who is operating your account for the purposes of transacting via Employer Online. The Username will be recorded against any transactions performed via Employer Online;
- “We", "us" or "our” refers to Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd (ABN 88 010 720 840, AFSL No 228975), and its administrator Precision Administration Services Pty Ltd (Precision) (ABN 47 098 977 667, AFSL No 246604). These terms and conditions bind, and may be enforced by, both those parties jointly and separately. Precision is wholly owned by Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Australian Retirement Trust Superannuation Fund (ABN 60 905 115 063);
- “You" and "your” refers to the employer (whether they are a body corporate, association or individual) who has or on whose behalf an Employer Online account is opened by us. Any references in these conditions to “you” and “your” includes a reference to that employer and to any person authorised by you to access and/or operate your account(s) through Employer Online;
- Any reference to any legislation or to any Part or provision of any legislation includes a reference to any modification or re-enactment of it, any Part or legislative provision substituted for it and all regulations and statutory instruments issued under it.
4. Continued application of terms and conditions
These terms and conditions apply to each use of Employer Online. By using Employer Online you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you cannot use Employer Online.
5. Our obligations
5.1 If you agree to these terms and conditions, you will be able to use Employer Online to:
- submit superannuation contribution data and make superannuation contributions to Australian Retirement Trust;
- help on-board new employees or contractors when they start work; and
- access the Australian Retirement Trust Clearing House to submit contributions data and make superannuation contributions for your employees to any superannuation fund (additional terms and conditions apply).
5.2 We will use reasonable care to ensure that Employer Online:
- meets the requirements of the Standard; and
- will assist you to offer your employees their choice of superannuation fund.
6. Access and Security
6.1. We will provide you with a username and password which you can use to access Employer Online at https://secure.australianretirementtrust.com.au/EmployerOnline.
6.2 You will be required to change any password provided by us on your first login to Employer Online after receiving the password.
6.3 You must enter your username and password whenever you use Employer Online.
6.4 To maximise security, you should regularly change your password by following the directions contained on our internet site. You can also do this by contacting us on 13 11 84 and we will forward you a new password.
6.5. Your password must be between 8 and 35 characters long and must contain at least one numeric character. You agree that when you choose a password, you will choose something that will make it difficult for someone else to ascertain and that it will not be any of the following:
- A sequence of the same characters (e.g. 1111 or aaaa); or
- A sequence of consecutive characters (e.g. 1234 or 4321 or abcd).
6.6. You must ensure at all times that:
- your password and username are kept secure and not disclosed to anyone, except to us while using Employer Online; and
- you do not by any other action or omission (for example leaving your computer unattended while logged on to Employer Online), allow another person to access information relating to your account or undertake transactions on your account.
6.7 To protect your password and username, you must:
- protect your password and username from being lost, stolen or disclosed;
- not keep a written record of your password and username;
- not give, show or tell your password and username to anyone;
- not allow any person to read or hear your password and username, or watch you enter your password and username; and
- log off immediately after you have finished accessing your account.
Please note that we will not ask you for your password.
6.8. You:
- understand that your username and password allow anybody using them to obtain access to information relating to your account and undertake transactions on your account.
- understand that if you leave your computer unattended while logged on to Employer Online an unauthorised person may be able to obtain access to information relating to your account and undertake transactions on your account.
If either of these things happen:
- we will treat any operations on your account, whether involving access to information or the effecting of transactions, as having been personally authorised in writing by you; and
- we have no duty whatsoever to enquire or establish whether a person accessing your account using
Employer Online is a person actually authorised.
6.9. You understand that no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed as totally secure and that, while we will take all reasonable measures to protect the security of such information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us using Employer Online.
6.10. If you suspect that your password and username may have become known to any other person, or that for any other reason another person may have been in a position to access your account using Employer Online, you must ensure that:
- your password is changed; and
- you inform us immediately on 13 11 84.
7. Additional users
7.1 You may be able to add additional users to your Employer Online Account (Additional Users). This functionality is offered at our discretion. Where this functionality is available to you, you can add the Additional Users by contacting us on 13 11 84.
7.2 Where Additional Users are added to your Account, the Additional Users must comply with your obligations under these terms.
7.3 Despite anything else set out in these terms and conditions, the functionality available to each Additional User will depend on the level of access you inform us that the Additional Users should be given.
7.4 The access levels for Additional Users are: (1) Upload, (2) Authorise, (3) Read Only and (4) Global. One access level must be chosen for each Additional User. An Additional User cannot be granted more than one access level. The access permissions for each user type will be as set out in the user guide available within Employer Online and may be updated from time to time.
7.5 You can ask us to change the access level of any Additional User or remove the Additional User from your Account at any time by contacting us.
8. Super Fund Onboarding
8.1. You can ask us to assist you with onboarding a new employee or contractor (for whom you will make superannuation contributions) (employee) by notifying us of the name and email address for your new employee or contractor using Employer Online and such other details as we request. If you provide us with the details we ask for we will contact your new employee to ask them for their information and to complete the tasks you request.
8.2. Upon receiving your request in accordance with clause 7.1, we will provide your employee with an online form which, if included in your request, will:
- ask them to complete a Tax File Number Declaration; and/or
- ask them to nominate a superannuation fund to which they would like your employer contributions to be made, and display your default fund and identify it as such.
8.3. We will provide an option for your employees to choose Australian Retirement Trust as their chosen fund and provide them with a link to join the Australian Retirement Trust if they are not already a member.
8.4. If your employee chooses a fund, we will notify you of the fund and the relevant details for you to contribute. If your employee does not choose a fund by the time you need to make a super guarantee contribution for them, you may need to request the employee's stapled super fund details from the ATO.
8.5. You are solely responsible for satisfying your obligations, including your choice of fund obligations, if any, under the SGAA and we have no liability for, your failure to do so including because:
- you did not provide us with the details of your new employee when they commenced employment; or
- Super Fund Onboarding is not appropriate for your needs.
8.6. If your employee does not choose a fund via Employer Online, and you are required to provide them choice of fund under the SGAA, you acknowledge that you remain responsible for giving that employee a “standard choice form” within the meaning of the SGAA (such as the standard choice form made available by the Australian Taxation Office) and that use of Employer Online will not discharge your obligation to do so in these circumstances.
8.7. You should not use Super Fund Onboarding to request an employee nominate a superannuation fund if you are required to contribute to:
- a defined benefit scheme;
- certain public sector schemes; or
- a fund nominated in an industrial agreement or instrument,
for that employee.
9. Currency and accessibility
9.1. You acknowledge that:
- information available through Employer Online may not always be current;
- transactions effected via Employer Online may take some time to process; and
- the services and functions offered through Employer Online may not all be available at all times.
10. Responsibility and liability
10.1. You acknowledge that subject only to the express qualifications below you are solely responsible for, and we have no liability for:
- your use of Employer Online, and
- any breach of these terms and conditions.
10.2. Nevertheless, without limiting clause 10.1, you are responsible for, and we have no liability for:
- any authorised or unauthorised use of your Employer Online account which is accessed with your username and password;
- keeping your username or password secure and any unauthorised access to your Employer Online account if you fail to keep it properly secure; or
- if you have, by action or omission, permitted an unauthorised person to access your account via Employer Online.
10.3. For the purposes of clause 10.1 and 10.2, you will continue to be responsible for, and we will continue to have no liability for, any information accessed or transactions effected up until the time that you notify us on 13 11 84 that:
- your username and/or password may have become known to someone not entitled to know it;
- staff authorised to use Employer Online have: (a) left your employ and are no longer entitled to use
- Employer Online; or (b) have moved to a role no longer requiring access to Employer Online;
unauthorised access may have been gained to your account in some other way; and - we have had a reasonable opportunity to take appropriate security measures.
10.4. We will not be liable for:
- reliance by anyone on information obtained through Employer Online;
- any failure by Employer Online to provide information or perform operations requested, or any delays;
- any amount of loss or damage, except in the event of our negligence, fraud or deliberate misconduct;
- indirect or special loss or damage however caused, including as a result of negligence;
- consequential loss or damage suffered as a result of using Employer Online;
- unavailability of Employer Online or any function of Employer Online; or
- any events whatsoever beyond our control.
10.5. Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to exclude, restrict or modify:
- the application of any provisions of the Competition And Consumer Act 2010, Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001, or any equivalent State or Territory legislation;
- the exercise of any right conferred by such provisions; or
- our liability for a breach of a condition or warranty implied by such a provision.
In the event of inconsistency with any such provision or with any other law, these terms and conditions will be read down accordingly.
10.6. To the extent permitted by law, we limit our liability for breach of any of the non-excludable guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law to:
- the supplying of the services again, or
- the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
11. Online services
11.1. Online services
We are authorised to act upon all instructions provided through Employer Online using your username and password. Transactions made through Employer Online are:
- governed by these terms and conditions; and
- governed by any other terms and conditions you accept during your use of Employer Online (including in any Product Disclosure Statement we provide to you and which you accept).
11.2. Availability
We will use reasonable efforts to ensure that Employer Online is available at all times.
It is your responsibility to use other means of effecting normal payments or contribution details to Australian Retirement Trust if for any reason you are unable to use Employer Online.
Subject to clause 9.6, we are not liable to you for or in connection with:
- the failure of Employer Online to perform in whole or in part, any function whether or not we have specified that the function will be performed or performed in a particular way;
- the unavailability of Employer Online in whole or in part because of the failure of any communication network, ancillary equipment or any circumstance beyond our reasonable control;
- any incorrect information or failure to provide information by an employee or contractor or the Australian Taxation Office in relation to Super Fund Onboarding; or
delays or errors in the execution of any transaction or instruction because of a communication network, ancillary equipment or any circumstance beyond our reasonable control.
11.3. Errors or mistakes
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information that we make available to you through Employer Online is correct and updated as per your instructions.
You must contact us as soon as possible if you think:
- there has been a mistake in a transaction made through Employer Online; or
- information received through Employer Online is wrong or incorrect; or
- updates are not reflected on your account after 10 working days.
We will do our best to rectify the error or indicate to you the approximate time necessary to rectify the error or complete the transaction upon receiving full disclosure of information relating to an error or mistake.
11.4. Privacy and Confidentiality
We will take reasonable precautions to safeguard the confidential information concerning your account with us, which we receive from you electronically via Employer Online.
From time to time we will use de-identified information collected through the system to perform analysis of the online system and to collate data for research and marketing purposes.
All personal information will be treated in line with our Privacy Policy available at www.australianretirementtrust.com.au/privacy-policy.
12. Variation
12.1. We may vary any of these conditions by written notice to you before a change becomes effective:
- by notice displayed on any screen within Employer Online; or
- by any other reasonable method.
12.2. If you use Employer Online after notice has been given by a method referred to above, you will be taken to have accepted the variation.
12.3. Any help files and on screen notices within Employer Online form part of these terms and conditions to the extent relevant. If you use any function to which a help file or on screen notice applies, you will be taken to have accepted the help file and on screen notices as part of these terms and conditions.
13. Additional terms and conditions
13.1 If you choose to use the Australian Retirement Trust Clearing House you will be asked to agree to additional terms and conditions that will apply to your use of the Australian Retirement Trust Clearing House.
13.2 If there is any inconsistency between these Employer Online Terms and Conditions and the Australian Retirement Trust Clearing House terms and conditions, the Australian Retirement Trust Clearing House terms and conditions will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency but only in relation to your use of Australian Retirement Trust Clearing House.
14. Suspension and cancellation of Employer Online
We may at any time without notice modify, restrict, suspend or cancel your ability to use Employer Online (with or without notice to you) if we reasonably suspect you or someone else is being engaged in any fraudulent activity, where your use is, or may, affect use by any other user of Employer Online or where we reasonably believe your use does not comply with these terms and conditions.
You may suspend or cancel your ability to use Employer Online at any time by notifying us by e-mail, in writing or telephone on 13 11 84.
15. Termination
We may terminate your access to Employer Online by giving written notice addressed to the last address we hold in our records for you, or by one of the methods referred to in clause 11.1 for notifying variation of conditions.
You may terminate your access to Employer Online at any time by notifying us by e-mail, in writing or telephone on 13 11 84.
16. SuperStream
Employer Online meets the requirements of SuperStream.
The terms and definitions used in Employer Online align with the relevant terms and conditions specified in Schedule 2 to the Standard, titled Data and Payment Standards – Superannuation Terms and Definitions.
Alternative data mappings and business rules used in Employer Online align with the requirements specified in Schedule 4a to the Standard, titled Data and Payment Standards – Contributions Message Implementation Guide.
Details of the alternative data mappings used in Employer Online can be located here.
16. Further information
Call: 13 11 84
Write to us at:
GPO Box 2924
Brisbane QLD 4001
® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd
ABN 69 079 137 518