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How does super for under 18s work?

Superannuation allows you to save a part of your income while you're working, for you to live on in retirement.

If you’re eligible, your employer will automatically contribute to your super. This is a minimum of 11.5% of your ordinary time earnings into your chosen super account. This payment is known as the Superannuation Guarantee.

Understanding how much super you should be paid helps to make sure you don't miss out on any payments.

Under 18 super rules

You're eligible for super payments if:

  • You’re under 18 and

  • You work more than 30 hours a week

  • You're casual, part-time or full-time

It doesn't matter how much you earn.

What is the best super fund for under 18s?

Investing in super is a long-term commitment. It's what most Australians will rely on to provide financial security throughout their retirement.

To choose the right super fund for you, consider the following:

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Look at the super fund’s long-term performance and returns. Good returns help grow your super balance faster than just adding your own money to it.

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Check the insurance options available through your super fund and how much they cost. This can provide extra protection for you in case of unexpected events.

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Paying high fees can impact your super balance over time, so choose a fund with competitive fees.

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Service and support

Check the tools on offer to manage your super online or via an app, and extra services such as financial advice to help you make informed decisions about your super.

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Investment options

Check the fund offers a range of investment options and gives you the flexibility to leave investment decisions to the experts or take a more hands-on approach.

Join one of Australia's largest super funds

Are you 15 or over?

If you're 15 or over, you can open an account with us in just 3 mins.

Join online
What if I'm under 15?
  1. Download the guide which contains the membership form.

    Download form
  2. Get your parent or legal guardian to sign off on your membership.

  3. Upload the completed form and documents on our Email Us page.

    How to submit the form

    • Select ‘Member’
    • Under ‘I’m looking for help with’ select ‘Send other form or document’
    • Leave member number blank
    • Click 'Submit form'

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Your super, your choice

You don't have to use your employer's super fund and can usually choose your own. There's two ways to give your super details to your employer:

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Take charge of your super

Head to the App Store or Google Play to download the Australian Retirement Trust app.

  • Get notified when you've been paid super
  • Keep track of your super balance
  • Quickly find your membership details
App store icon Google play icon

FAQs about super basics

Retirement may be a long way off, but a bit of work now can pay off later. Make sure to learn more about super and what you should be doing right now.

Superannuation is a system where a portion of your pay is set aside and put into an account, where it's invested on your behalf. Investing your money helps it grow faster. This system helps you save so that you have as much money as possible to live on when you retire.

Employers are required by law to contribute at least 11.5% of your before-tax pay into super. You generally can’t access your money in superannuation until you retire. Once you retire, you can take your money out or use it as a regular income stream.

If you're under 18 and work more than 30 hours per week, your employer must pay 11.5% of your before tax pay into super.

Be aware that if you're under 15, you'll need your parent/guardian's permission to open a super account.

Choosing a super fund can be hard as there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so take the time to do your research.

Here's what to compare when deciding which super fund is best for you.

If you’ve changed jobs, you may have lost track of some of your super.

Super can be lost when your super fund can no longer contact you or if your account is inactive. It’s easy to find your lost super.

Having more than one super account can mean paying multiple fees and insurance premiums that you may not be eligible to claim on. If you only have one super account, you'll only pay these fees once.

Consolidating or combining your super1 means putting all your super into one account.

Benefits of putting all your super in one account include:

  • paying fewer fees
  • less paperwork
  • easier to keep track of your super
  • not paying extra insurance premiums.

The Australian Government may help you grow your super. You might be eligible for one of these:

Once you have an account with us, you can log into Member Online and choose where to invest your money. You can choose to invest your money across multiple options.

If you don’t make an investment choice, we'll invest your super into the MySuper investment option for Australian Retirement Trust, called the Lifecycle Investment Strategy. If you're not sure which investment option is right for you, why not:

Submitting a membership application when you’re under 15 requires proof of parent or legal guardianship and their signature on your behalf.

  • You can give us a birth certificate, adoption paper or guardianship orders. It doesn't need to be a certified copy.
  • We only accept digital signatures via DocuSign and Adobe Sign. If you can't do this, you'll need to print the form and get it signed manually with a pen.

PDS stands for Product Disclosure Statement. It provides a summary of information you should consider before deciding to buy a financial product like superannuation. It tells you about key features, benefits and risks, fees and charges, investments and insurance.

Reading the PDS can help you make an informed decision, so there are no surprises when you join Australian Retirement Trust as a member.

We’re with you every step of the way

No matter where you are in your working life, we'll support you to keep your super balance on track. It only takes 3 minutes to join.

Join us today

If you're under 15, download the form to get started.

Why choose us?

1. Please consider if the timing is right to bring your super together, and if you will lose access to benefits such as insurance or pension options, or if there are fee or tax implications. Also, think about where your future employer contributions will be paid.

2. Australian Retirement Trust employees provide advice as representatives of Sunsuper Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 50 087 154 818 AFSL No. 227867) (SFS), wholly owned by Australian Retirement Trust. SFS is a separate legal entity responsible for the financial services it provides. Eligibility conditions apply. Refer to the Financial Services Guide (FSG) for more information.