Australian Retirement Trust unveils new suite of investment options

Media release - 15 March 2024

Australian Retirement Trust (ART) has unveiled a streamlined suite of choice investment options across superannuation and retirement products, available to members from 1 July 2024.

Members of ART will be able to choose from 15 carefully constructed choice investment options that cover a broad range of objectives and investment timeframes to best meet their goals and life stages.

ART Chief of Retirement, Kathy Vincent, said the fund engaged its members, advisers and employers to co-design the innovative investment menu.

“When we asked our members what they wanted most in a new investment menu, they told us performance, fees, sustainable investing and the ability to choose the right level of risk were top priority – all of which remained front of mind when we worked to streamline these choice investment options,” said Ms Vincent.

“Today’s announcement is great news for our more than 2.3 million members and is the next step in the evolution of Australian Retirement Trust, giving our members the best of both legacy investment worlds.

“As part of this, we’re aligning the risk profiles of our MySuper offerings for Super Savings and QSuper account holders. This means Super Savings account holders will have more of their money invested in growth assets for longer, which is expected to have higher returns over the long term for members of all ages.

“Streamlining our investment menu also means that from 1 July 2024, our competitive Growth investment option, that we’re renaming High Growth, will be open to all members. This option delivered a return of 8.95% p.a. over 10 years to 31 December 2023, securing the number one spot in the SuperRatings SR50 Growth Index over that period,” she said.

Ms Vincent said the impact an investment choice can have on members’ retirement savings cannot be underestimated.

“We believe these changes are in the best financial interests of our members and that no matter what level of experience they have in investing, our simplified menu will empower them to make the right choices so they can retire well with confidence.”

Information regarding ART’s new investment menu can be found at here.