Super Savings – Business

Super Savings – Business is a MySuper-authorised product that offers salary-based insurance through your employer. This product is only available to members through their employer.

Your employer will provide you with a Super Savings – Business Plan information factsheet that outlines the insurance cover available to eligible employees. For more information visit your employer’s Australian Retirement Trust microsite.

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Guides:

Super Savings – Business Product Disclosure Statement for Accumulation Account

A summary of the important information you need about your Australian Retirement Trust account, including membership application form, insurance and fees. 

Super Savings Product Disclosure Statement for Income Account and Lifetime Pension

A summary of the features, benefits, and risks before opening one of our retirement products.

Super Savings Accumulation Guide

Important information about how superannuation works and more details of the fees and costs that apply to your account.

Super Savings – Business Insurance Guide

Details of the insurance options available to you.

Super Savings Investment Guide

Details of the investment options available to you, and information on determining your investor needs.

Super Savings – Business forms

SSB - Consolidate Your Super

SSB – Change of insurance - obtain from your employer’s Super Savings – Business microsite

SSB Transfer of insurance

SSB – Insurance variation - obtain from your employer’s Super Savings – Business microsite

SSB Personal health summary

use this form if your Standard cover has been restricted to the Automatic Acceptance Limit (AAL)

Important PDS updates

View recent changes

We also provide a summary of significant event and material change notifications issued to members for the past two years.

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More contact options

Fund name: Australian Retirement Trust 
Account type: Super Savings 
ABN: 60 905 115 063 
USI: 60 905 115 063 003

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Acknowledgement of Country
We want to respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of these lands, seas, and waters throughout Australia. We pay our respects to Elders both past and present. We acknowledge the history, the resilience and the continual contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of their Country.

The information on this website contains general information only. It doesn’t consider your personal objectives, financial situation, or needs. Before making any decisions about ART, you should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determinations (TMD) to consider whether the product is right for you.