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Claiming a tax deduction on super

Send us your form about a tax deduction for money you added to your super before 30 June. Make sure you send this form before you file your tax return for the year.

How to claim a tax deduction

You can make your request in Member Online or use the ATO's form.

What are the steps?

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Log in and add money to your super

Make an after-tax voluntary contribution (also called a personal super contribution) in Member Online or by BPAY before 30 June. (If using BPAY, check bank processing times.)

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Tell us you want to claim

Log in to Member Online and fill in your claim for a tax deduction, or send us the ATO’s paper form, leaving 7–10 business days for postage.

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Wait to hear from us

Wait for us to let you know we've processed your request.

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Add it to your tax return

When you do your tax return, list the amount you're claiming as personal superannuation contributions in the Individual tax return supplement. Find out more.

Read our guide on superannuation deductions

Get more information about eligibility for a tax deduction on super and how tax applies to your superannuation.

Find out more

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