We want you to have the best experience possible. If you have a complaint about the financial services we have provided, please let us know as soon as possible.
How to make a complaint
Let's get started on fixing any issues for you as quickly as possible. You can make a complaint with us by:
Phone: 13 11 84 (Monday to Friday 7:00am–7:30pm AEST)
In writing:
Email us (make sure you provide all the information listed below)
The Complaints Manager
GPO Box 2924
Brisbane QLD 4001
(If you post a letter, this will take longer to arrive.)
Please mark your email or letter with 'Complaint'.
In person: Visit our Member Centre during opening hours.
Information you need to provide
To help us respond to your complaint in a timely and efficient manner, please let us know as much information as you can:
- Your full name and contact details (phone number, address, email)
- Your member number (if you are a member)
- Details about your complaint, including supporting documentation if you have it
- What you would like us to do to fix any problems.
What is a complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about Australian Retirement Trust, about its products or services, staff, or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.
Who can make a complaint?
Complaints can be made by or on behalf of a:
- A member of Australian Retirement Trust or a former member of either QSuper, Sunsuper, or Australian Retirement Trust
- A client or former client of QInvest or Sunsuper Financial Services
- Beneficiary with an interest in a death benefit, including a person acting for the deceased member’s estate
- Spouse or former spouse of a member who is requesting information about our member’s super under family law
- Authorised third parties, e.g. financial advisers or lawyers
- Employer
- Service providers.
Our process
We reply and resolve issues early
We'll always try to fix any issues for you quickly. If we're unable to resolve your complaint straight away, we'll contact you (by phone, email, or letter) to confirm we've received your complaint, generally within 1 business day.
In some cases, we'll immediately refer your complaint to our specialist team so they can start looking into it for you, and we'll always write to you to confirm we got your complaint. This includes complaints about:
- Financial hardship claim
- Insurance claim that's been declined
- Questions about the value of an insurance benefit
- Any decision of Australian Retirement Trust (the Trustee) relating to a complaint, or failure to make a decision.
- You can also download our Complaint Handling Guide.
How we investigate and respond
If your complaint can't be resolved within 5 business days, or if you request a written response, we send the information to our specialist team to investigate for you.
We'll review any information we’ve given you or you’ve told us that may be relevant to your complaint. Then we'll write to you to let you know the outcome of your complaint. If we haven't been able to fully resolve the issue, we'll include the reason/s for our decision and the information we considered to reach that decision.
We'll also explain what you can do if you're unhappy with the outcome, such as how to forward your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
Where possible, we'll write to you within the following timeframes, and if we can't, we’ll at least let you know the reason for the delay within that timeframe.
Reason for complaint | Timeframe to respond |
Financial advice services we provide | Within 30 calendar days after receiving your complaint |
Administration of your superannuation benefit or insurance claim | Within 45 calendar days after receiving your complaint |
Distribution of superannuation death benefit | Within 90 days, after, the 28-calendar-day period for objecting to a proposed death benefit distribution has expired. |
Privacy of complaints
We take your privacy seriously, and we only gather the relevant personal information we need to address a complaint.
You can read our privacy policy or call us to request a copy.