What is Early Intervention?
Early assistance can significantly improve your chances of making a swift recovery.
At Australian Retirement Trust, we have introduced Early Intervention which you can utilise before you make a claim.
If you are eligible for early assistance a qualified Rehabilitation Consultant will call you to discuss your rehabilitation needs. This approach is dependent on your injury or sickness and whether rehabilitation is deemed appropriate.
Occupational Rehabilitation in Australian Retirement Trust - “Work is Good Medicine”
At Australian Retirement Trust we work with our insurer to offer you access to one of the largest and most experienced rehabilitation teams in Australia, so if you have an injury, disability or health condition we can arrange work related rehabilitation to assist you back to meaningful work.
We work in partnership with you, your treating health professionals and employer to assist you back to suitable work as part of your recovery plan. If you are unemployed, we can assist you to improve your fitness for work.
Returning to work restores more than your income. It helps to restore your identity and self-esteem.
Rehabilitation services may include:
- initial meetings with a rehabilitation provider to identify your return to work needs,
- work place visits to identify solutions in your return to work plan,
- equipment to ensure you maintain your job,
- career guidance to explore alternative work options if you can’t work in your usual role, and
- improving your skills and capabilities so that your return to work is sustainable.
Rehabilitation is not appropriate for everyone.
Together we can assist you back to work and back to a fuller life!