Use this dashboard to understand the investment performance, risks and fees for our MySuper product, the Super Savings Lifecycle Investment Strategy.
We invest your super in our Lifecycle Investment Strategy if you haven't picked an investment option.
This means that up to age 50, 100% of your super is invested in the High Growth Pool. Once you turn 50, we'll start gradually transferring your super to lower-risk pools – the Balanced Pool and Cash Pool.
Download the MySuper dashboard to check how it works for an account balance of $50,000.
DownloadGraph for illustrative purposes only. Read the Investment guide for further details.
It takes less than 3 minutes to open an account with us online. Or scroll down to find out why ART is a super fund you can rely on.
Good returns give your super more chance to grow, both now and over the long term.
Latest returnsOur products and services have been highly rated for many years.
Ratings & awardsWe don't pay shareholders, which means we can give profits back to you as better value products and services.
More benefitsYou can relax about your super, knowing you're with one of Australia's largest super funds.